Science -- Your Future, Scotland's Future
SCI-FUN's Christmas Card
Mathematical Holly
Mathematical Holly
On the lower-right of the greetings page is the mathematical holly & berry decoration. The equation above represents a holly leaf; by going through the equation step by step, we see how the final result is generated.
Step 1
Start with a triangle wave, or at least the first six components of its Fourier series: enough to create a fairly pointy curve. I wanted five points, so we pick the range to generate two-and-a-half waves. (The fundamental is sin x, so we have to plot over x = 0 to 5p.)
Step 2
Square the function to generate an all-positive curve. This also has the effect of introducing greater curvature at the zero-touching points, which is what we want.
Step 3
To create points of varying size, we can multiply the curve by another, which acts as a shaping envelope, shown dotted. To get a smooth rise and fall over the five peaks, we choose a sine function with a wavelength five times the fundamental of the triangle series (the 2 is just to heighten the overall curve shape)...
Step 4
...and this is the result.
Step 5
Having created our five-point curve, we want to raise the central points away from the axis. This we do by adding the previous shaping envelope).
Step 6
We have half the desired result. Plot the mirror image (the negative of the function) to get our final curve: a mathematical holly leaf.
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