Science -- Your Future, Scotland's Future
Archive News
New directions...

In the 2007/8 SCI-FUN session we have strengthened our commitment to our Health and Society programme (more on this soon). This involves the ongoing development of a series of talks and exhibits which help to explain issues surrounding our nation’s health.

An exploration into the effects of our lifestyles upon our physical well-being provides us with a greater understanding of the scientific basis behind ill health. We are developing exhibits and shows in order to highlight health issues that are relevant to our young people in schools.

We are delighted to have the input of scientists from the Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine (SCRM) in support of our programme. A series of exhibits and posters describing the work undertaken within the centre will be made available in early 2007 for the school visits organised in collaboration with WestWHAN (see this news item), and subsequently as part of the general Roadshow.

The Scottish Institute for Biotechnology Education (SIBE) and SCI-FUN are working together to provide opportunities for a small team of postgraduate students, helping them to gain skills in science communication, while strengthening the outreach activities of the University.

Members of the Postgraduate Science Communication Team (PGSCT) will work alongside SCI-FUN in the development of hands-on exhibits, the writing of shows, refining careers workshops, and in helping to present the main Roadshow.

The team will be afforded the opportunity to enhance and put into practice the skills obtained from science communication courses taken as part of the University’s transkills postgraduate training programme.

Find out more about our plans to work with each of these groups, in our new Newsletter, available online.

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