Science -- Your Future, Scotland's Future
We offer a variety of different types of placement within the SCI-FUN group, described briefly below. Click the links below for more information:
  • One-week work experience places are available for S5/6 pupils, during which time they will (if possible) travel to schools with the Roadshow, and work on exhibit or show development when at the SCI-FUN office.

  • Since 2005, we have taken on each year an S5 student under the Nuffield Bursary scheme, to carry out six weeks of research and development with (so far) the PP4SS project. (In academic year 2011-12 we will not be taking part in the Nuffield scheme.)

  • Students (both undergraduate and post-graduate) are encouraged to volunteer to work with the SCI-FUN team as part of the Roadshow, visiting schools and helping with major events (such as the Science Festival or LERU Kids' University).

  • Opportunities are also open for post-graduate students who are undertaking the Research Communication in Action course.