Science -- Your Future, Scotland's Future
Shows for 2005/6:
Spooky Science

An overview of some of the scarier aspects of science: looking at the way we hear and see the world around us; how we're fooled by visual illusions (for example, why is Tony Blair's face (below) not quite right?); why some sounds are more frightening than others; and the extremes (and consequences) of low temperature.

 Plus, just how much mucus do you produce each day? And what happens to polar bears at fifty degrees below zero?

Sounds Amazing!
An exploration of the world of sound, with: an introduction to sound waves; how we can describe their basic properties, and how sound propagates through a medium (with help from the audience); measuring sound, and how our ears process sounds; unusual sounds in everyday life; plus, of course, the ever popular sound barbecue, shown below! (Can't miss that one...)

The Sound Barbecue

When are 60 pupils like a jet engine? Just how low can a sound actually be? How can whoopee cushions be used in the name of science? And what happens to our motorcyclist once the film ends?

At what temperature do things freeze?
How we recognise faces, and which parts are important
Looking at a range of sounds
Understanding sound