Science -- Your Future, Scotland's Future
Setting up the Show
Set up
Hall layout
Subject choice
Pack up
Evening sessions

Brief Summary:
  • The entire roadshow can be set up in under 90 minutes.
  • The modular exhibits and tables are stored in bespoke trolleys.
  • We carry out a risk assessment of each school we visit.
  • The show can be set up in a variety of different layouts (click here for more detail), depending upon availability of space.
  • Senior pupils, where available, are trained to act as helpers.
Setting up
Unloading the truck
On arrival at a school, presenters help to set up (and dismantle) the exhibition, and make risk assessments of the venue (we keep notes on all schools visited), including vehicle access and show safety issues. We examine available power outlets and take note of their state. Cabling is checked to make sure that there are no potential tripping hazards.

The SCI-FUN roadshow is highly modular: exhibits and tables are stacked in specially designed trolleys, and the exhibits themselves are built to standard specifications for assembly and transport.

The shows and the forty or so exhibits can be set up or dismantled in under 90 minutes, leaving the school hall exactly as we found it (or even tidier :-).

Hall layouts for the roadshow
Hall Layouts
No school hall, gym or space in general is exactly the same: dimensions, access and powerpoints all differ. Our roadshow has been set up in a variety of spaces, including schools in which the hands-on sessions, the shows and the careers talks all take place in separate rooms.

The following page gives you sample layouts for the Roadshow, and more information on any requirements.

Senior Helpers
Once we have set up the show, training is carried out for senior helpers, if the school has made them available. These are S5/6 pupils, given brief instruction on the salient points of the hands-on exhibits (usually on the morning of the first session), so that they can chaperone small groups of S1/2 pupils (up to four, if possible), helping them to understand the exhibits in the brief time available.

If you are thinking of making some S5/6 pupils available (and we are frequently told by pupils and teachers that the experience is a rewarding one), you may find it useful for your pupils to look in advance at the exhibit posters and explainer cards, each of which has the basic instructions for operating the exhibit, as well as background detail on the underlying concepts. Find downloadable files at the Exhibits page.